Going for Hajj 2020? Have
you booked your Hajj Package? If not yet, then do read the below-mentioned
information. There are different types of Hajj Packages available for booking.
You can either book them with the help of an agent or can book them online. No
matter whether you are going alone for Hajj or you are going there with your
family, there are Hajj Packages for all. Below, we have mentioned a few Hajj Packages
details, which you should check before booking.
Hajj Packages with a stay in Hotel
If you are going for Hajj with your
family, we suggest you book Hajj Packages with a stay in the hotel only. Most
of the 5 star Hajj Packages have a hotel stay included in
them. They provide 2 to 3 persons stay in one hotel room.
Hajj Packages with a stay in a Tent
If you are going for Hajj on a very
tight budget or if you are going there alone, then you can also book Hajj
Packages with a stay in a tent. These Hajj Packages are quite affordable in
comparison to the 5 star Hajj and Umrah Packages.
Hajj Packages with one-way Flight
If you have any plans to stay in Mecca
and Medina for a few more days after Hajj, then we suggest you book Hajj
Packages with a one-way flight. Before booking this package, check with your
agent, if they can provide you with both way flight according to your return
Hajj Packages with both side Flight
This is the most affordable and best
package. As most of the people who go for Hajj, face problem in booking flight
tickets only. But if you are taking Hajj Package with both way flight, you will
not face any problem.
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